Category: Business Insurance
Restroom Cleanliness Key Indicator For Businesses
Posted: December 19, 2013
When it comes to customers and prospective employees determining how much a company values its workers, the bathroom may be the best place to look, a recent poll suggests. More than nine in 10 Americans stated that the overall condition of a business's restroom is a telling indicator of whether or not company management holds its workforce in high esteem, mainly from a standpoint of...
Unique Interview Styles
Posted: December 17, 2013
While human resource managers and business owners in general come across lots of different personalities and people during employment interviews, some stand out more than others. So much so, they're uniqueness was notable enough to be worthy of offering them a job. With this in mind, job search engine CareerBuilder recently polled nearly 2,100 hiring managers, asking them to talk about some of the...
Posted: May 4, 2012
Severe weather in 2011 resulted in a U.S. record 14 billion-dollar disasters, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Meanwhile, natural disasters accounted for more than $107 billion in insured losses globally, while the catastrophic disasters resulted in more than $434 billion in economic losses, according to an annual report by Aon Benfield. Severe weather can be particularly disastrous for businesses. In...
What is employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)?
Posted: February 21, 2012
EPLI covers businesses against claims by workers that their legal rights as employees of the company have been violated.The number of lawsuits filed by employees against their employers has been rising. While most suits are filed against large corporations, no company is immune to such lawsuits. Recognizing that smaller companies now need this kind of protection, some insurers provide this coverage as an endorsement to...
Worker's Compensation Insurance Settlement with AIG
Posted: February 11, 2011
Just more reasons for all of us to admire AIG (not really)!!! Minnesota Department of Commerce part of $100 million settlement with AIG over misreporting of workers' compensation premiums. Minnesota's cut is more than $2 million American International Group Inc., AIG, and its workers compensation insurance affiliates have agreed to pay $100 million in fines to insurance regulators in all 50 states and the District...