Category: Business Insurance
Chicken Breast For A Meal Maybe Not? Consumer Reports Indicates Food-Borne Illness Found On Nearly All Chicken Breasts
Posted: March 27, 2014
While many restaurateurs often have special suppliers for the foods that they prepare, some turn to grocery stores when they're running low on any given day. But before these products are purchased, they should be sure to pay attention to any recalls that are issued, as a recent release from Consumer Reports found that a substantial amount of chicken late last year had strains of...
One In Five Seriously Hurt While Working
Posted: February 24, 2014
When it comes to one's safety and wellness at the workplace, a substantial number of Americans say that they've been injured while on the job. Slightly more than one in five people indicate that they've been hurt while laboring, so serious, in fact, that's it's required them to take a sabbatical for more than several days, according to a recent survey performed by legal information...
Safeguard Valuable Business Records and Papers
Posted: February 21, 2014
Take steps to protect paper documents and records. Even in our electronic, computer-driven world, few businesses can operate without acquiring a number of valuable papers and physical records. Losing them to a fire or natural disaster could seriously affect business operations. Before you have a loss, take steps to protect valuable papers, or consider ways to store copies. You know your specific business needs, but...
Cyber Security Awareness Month A Success, But Was It Enough?
Posted: January 15, 2014
Concern about hacking attempts and personal identity theft appear to have been major sticking points for many residents and business owners last year, as a record number of people participated in the country's annual National Cyber Security Awareness Month festivities, new statistics show. But with waves of recent news relevant to Target's security breach affecting 70 million customers, and hacking attempts made to Skype and...
Contractor Selection Key To Successful Construction Project
Posted: January 7, 2014
If your family or business is planning a construction project in 2014, you can help assure your project’s success by selecting a qualified general contractor. Business owners and homeowners can mitigate construction risks by asking a lot of questions up front and weighing several factors before hiring a contractor. Keep in mind that a building contractor needs to be a business owner first and a...