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Insurance Blog

Please read and comment on our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.


Car Breakdown Safety

Good common sense video on what to do when a car breaks down.   Some things seem so logical but occasionally a reminder helps.   I know I need constant reminders especially on topics related to that old cliché' "safety first" so my stupid gene doesn't take over the brain....

Worker's Compensation Insurance Settlement with AIG

Just more reasons for all of us to admire AIG (not really)!!! Minnesota Department of Commerce part of $100 million settlement with AIG over misreporting of workers' compensation premiums. Minnesota's cut is more than $2 million American International Group Inc., AIG, and its workers compensation insurance affiliates have agreed to pay $100 million in fines to insurance regulators in all 50 states and the District...


This is a great informational video about renting a vehicle in the United States and how your auto insurance may respond.  If you are a current auto insurance customer or are looking for new auto insurance and have questions about renting a car and how your auto insurance will respond please call my office....

More bad news about Minnesota weather and it is not even winter related!

More bad news about Minnesota weather and it is not even winter related! Reporting Bruce Hagevik By Bruce Hagevik, NewsRadio 830 WCCO ALBERT LEA, Minn. (WCCO) – Minnesota had more reported tornadoes in 2010 than any state in the nation with 145. The preliminary numbers were issued by the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center.Texas took second place with 105 reports.  But there’s a difference...

Navigating The Auto Claim Process

Nobody ever wants to get into an accident. But should the unfortunate occur, your insurance company should be there to help you get back on the road. Claim practices can vary by company, so make sure to ask about the particular company's claim practices when purchasing insurance. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about the auto claim process. What should...